
Mix & Match: Designer Liz Lipkin on balancing historic & modern styles in your home

Mix & Match: Designer Liz Lipkin on balancing historic & modern styles in your home

Hudson-based Interior Designer Liz Lipkin’s on-the-job and off-the-job love for scouting unique furniture makes her one of our favorite sources for advice on blending different styles and eras cohesively within the architecture of your home. Ever generous with her tips and tricks, Liz shares with us a selection of her favorite decor resources in the Hudson Valley, tips to keep in mind before purchasing vintage and antique pieces, as well as her personal advice on how to make a rental feel more like home

In Conversation with Quinn Levine: The Transition from NYC to an Idyllic Upstate Retreat

In Conversation with Quinn Levine:  The Transition from NYC to an Idyllic Upstate Retreat

Our new series "In Conversation With" follows the lives of Hudson Valley creatives, home-owners, makers, and more. In this edition, Quinn Levine shares with us the reasons for moving from Brooklyn to Upstate New York, advice for others making a similar transition, and insights into the lifestyle of two creatives living upstate.